title: "Fine tuning MOEA/D configurations using MOEADr and irace"
author: "Claus Aranha, Felipe Campelo"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Fine tuning MOEADr using irace}
For this example, we adapt the tuning protocol proposed by Bezerra _et al._
(2016)^[Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9018:48–63, 2016.], employing the *Iterated Racing* procedure by Lopez-Ibanez _et al._ (2016)^[Operations Research Perspectives 3:43-58, 2016].
Using the **irace** package, we automatically assemble and fine-tune a MOEA/D configuration based on the components available in the **MOEADr** package.
## Fine tuning setup
Ten unconstrained test problems from the CEC2009 competition^[Functions UF1 to UF10 ([https://web.archive.org/web/20180129060104/https://dces.essex.ac.uk/staff/qzhang/MOEAcompetition/CEC09final](https://web.archive.org/web/20180129060104/https://dces.essex.ac.uk/staff/qzhang/MOEAcompetition/CEC09final/)), using the standard implementation available in the **smoof** package.] are used, with dimensions ranging from 20 to 60. Dimensions 30, 40 and 50 were
reserved for testing, while all others were used for the training effort. To
quantify the quality of the set of solutions returned by a candidate
configuration we use the Inverted Generational Distance (IGD). The number of
subproblems was fixed as $100$ for $m=2$ and $150$ for $m=3$^[For the Simplex
Lattice Design the actual number was 153 for $m = 3$, given the specifics of
this method. Please refer to the documentation of function *decomposition_sld()* for details].
We define a tuning budget of 20,000 runs. The possible configurations are
composed from the following choices:
- Decomposition Strategy: SLD or Uniform;
- Scalar Aggregation function: WT, PBI or AWB;
- Type of neighborhood: by weights or by incumbent solutions;
- Type of Update: Standard, Restricted, or Best Subproblem;
- Variation Stack: See below;
For every combination, the parameters of each component (e.g. $\theta^{pbi}$ for
the PBI aggregation function) were also included as part of the tuning
experiment. Objective scaling was employed in all cases. No constraint handling
was required, and the stop criterion was set as 100,000 evaluations.
The variation stack was composed of three to five operators, using the following
rules: the first and second operators could be any of the "traditional"
operators currently available in the **MOEADr** package: SBX, Polynomial Mutation,
Differential Mutation, and Binomial Recombination. The third operator could be
any of these, or "none" (i.e., not present). The fourth operator could be either
a local search operator or "none". Finally, the variation stack always finished
with the truncation repair operator (mainly to avoid errors with the
implementation of the test functions). No
restrictions were placed on repeats of the variation operators, and the specific
conditional parameters for each operator were allowed to be tuned independently
for each position in the variation stack.
## **irace** configuration
Here we describe the necessary setup to run the experiment above. First, loading
the necessary packages and basic configuration of *irace*. (*parameters.txt*,
*forbidden.txt* and other files are only included in the source version of the
*MOEADr* package)
```{r, eval = FALSE}
scenario <- irace::defaultScenario()
scenario$seed <- 123456 # Seed for the experiment
scenario$targetRunner <- "target.runner" # Runner function (def. below)
scenario$forbiddenFile <- "../inst/extdata/forbidden.txt" # forbidden configs
scenario$debugLevel <- 1
scenario$maxExperiments <- 20000 # Tuning budget
scenario$testNbElites <- 7 # test all final elite configurations
# Number of cores to be used by irace (set with caution!)
nc <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
scenario$parallel <- nc
# Read tunable parameter list from file
parameters <- readParameters("../inst/extdata/parameters.txt")
Second, it is necessary to generate the training instances
based on the benchmark function implementations in package **smoof**:
```{r, eval = FALSE}
### Build training instances
fname <- paste0("UF_", 1:10)
dims <- c(20:29,
allfuns <- expand.grid(fname, dims, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
scenario$instances <- paste0(allfuns[,1], "_", allfuns[,2])
for (i in 1:nrow(allfuns)){
assign(x = scenario$instances[i],
value = make_vectorized_smoof(prob.name = "UF",
dimensions = allfuns[i, 2],
id = as.numeric(strsplit(allfuns[i, 1], "_")
[[1]][2]))) }
### Build test instances
dims <- c(30, 40, 50)
allfuns <- expand.grid(fname, dims, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
scenario$testInstances <- paste0(allfuns[,1], "_", allfuns[,2])
for (i in 1:nrow(allfuns)){
assign(x = scenario$testInstances[i],
value = make_vectorized_smoof(prob.name = "UF",
dimensions = allfuns[i, 2],
id = as.numeric(strsplit(allfuns[i, 1], "_")
[[1]][2]))) }
Third, we need to specify the code that will generate a MOEA/D configuration
based on the parameter string created by the *irace* routine:
```{r, eval = FALSE}
target.runner <- function(experiment, scenario){
conf <- experiment$configuration
inst <- experiment$instance
# Assemble moead input lists
## 1. Problem
fdef <- unlist(strsplit(inst, split = "_"))
uffun <- smoof::makeUFFunction(dimensions = as.numeric(fdef[3]),
id = as.numeric(fdef[2]))
fattr <- attr(uffun, "par.set")
problem <- list(name = inst,
xmin = fattr$pars$x$lower,
xmax = fattr$pars$x$upper,
m = attr(uffun, "n.objectives"))
## 2. Decomp
decomp <- list(name = conf$decomp.name)
if (problem$m == 2){ # <-- 2 objectives
if(decomp$name == "SLD") decomp$H <- 99 # <-- yields N = 100
if(decomp$name == "Uniform") decomp$N <- 100
} else { # <-- 3 objectives
if(decomp$name == "SLD") decomp$H <- 16 # <-- yields N = 153
if(decomp$name == "Uniform") decomp$N <- 150
## 3. Neighbors
neighbors <- list(name = conf$neighbor.name,
T = conf$T,
delta.p = conf$delta.p)
## 4. Aggfun
aggfun <- list(name = conf$aggfun.name)
if (aggfun$name == "PBI") aggfun$theta <- conf$aggfun.theta
## 5. Update
update <- list(name = conf$update.name,
UseArchive = conf$UseArchive)
if (update$name != "standard") update$nr <- conf$nr
if (update$name == "best") update$Tr <- conf$Tr
## 6. Scaling
scaling <- list(name = "simple")
## 7. Constraint
constraint<- list(name = "none")
## 8. Stop criterion
stopcrit <- list(list(name = "maxeval",
maxeval = 100000))
## 9. Echoing
showpars <- list(show.iters = "none")
## 10. Variation stack
variation <- list(list(name = conf$varop1),
list(name = conf$varop2),
list(name = conf$varop3),
list(name = conf$varop4),
list(name = "truncate"))
for (i in seq_along(variation)){
if (variation[[i]]$name == "binrec") {
variation[[i]]$rho <- get(paste0("binrec.rho", i), conf)
if (variation[[i]]$name == "diffmut") {
variation[[i]]$basis <- get(paste0("diffmut.basis", i), conf)
variation[[i]]$Phi <- NULL
if (variation[[i]]$name == "polymut") {
variation[[i]]$etam <- get(paste0("polymut.eta", i), conf)
variation[[i]]$pm <- get(paste0("polymut.pm", i), conf)
if (variation[[i]]$name == "sbx") {
variation[[i]]$etax <- get(paste0("sbx.eta", i), conf)
variation[[i]]$pc <- get(paste0("sbx.pc", i), conf)
if (variation[[i]]$name == "localsearch") {
variation[[i]]$type <- conf$ls.type
variation[[i]]$gamma.ls <- conf$gamma.ls
## 11. Seed
seed <- conf$seed
# Run MOEA/D
out <- moead(preset = NULL,
problem, decomp, aggfun, neighbors, variation, update,
constraint, scaling, stopcrit, showpars, seed)
# return IGD based on reference data
Yref <- as.matrix(read.table(paste0("../inst/extdata/pf_data/",
fdef[1], fdef[2], ".dat")))
return(list(cost = calcIGD(Y = out$Y, Yref = Yref)))
Finally, we run the experiment, and save the outputs. Note that this experiment
will take a long time to run (24 hours in a 24 cluster machine), so take that
into account when reproducing these results. For more details on the code above,
check the documentation of the **irace** package.
```{r, eval = FALSE}
## Running the experiment
irace.output <- irace::irace(scenario, parameters)
saveRDS(irace.output, "../inst/extdata/RESULTS.rds")
file.copy(from = "irace.Rdata", to = "../inst/extdata/irace-tuning.Rdata")
## Test returned configurations on test instances
testing.main(logFile = "../inst/extdata/irace-tuning.Rdata")
file.copy(from = "irace.Rdata", to = "../inst/extdata/irace-testing.Rdata")
## Results
First let's plot the IGD value achieved by the final configurations over the
test problems:
```{r, reshape2, ggplot2, echo = FALSE, fig.width = 7, fig.height = 3}
### Loading results
### Precondition results
results <- iraceResults$testing$experiments
res.df <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, strsplit(rownames(results), "_")),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[, -1]
colnames(res.df) <- c("Problem", "Dimension", 1:(ncol(res.df)-2))
res.df$Problem <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(res.df$Problem))
res.df$Objectives <- ifelse(res.df$Problem %in% c("08", "09", "10"),
yes = "3 obj",
no = "2 obj")
res.df$Dimension <- paste0("Dim = ", res.df$Dimension)
res.df <- reshape2::melt(res.df, value.name = "IGD")
names(res.df)[4] <- "Configuration"
## Plot resulting IGD of best configurations returned, by problem and dimension
ml2 <- ggplot2::theme(axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 18),
axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10),
legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 18))
mp <- ggplot2::ggplot(res.df, ggplot2::aes(x = Problem,
y = IGD,
colour = Configuration,
group = Configuration))
mp +
ggplot2::geom_boxplot(ggplot2::aes(fill = NULL,
colour = NULL,
group = Problem),
alpha = 0.6,
lwd = 0.1) +
ggplot2::geom_point() + ggplot2::geom_line() + ggplot2::facet_grid(.~Dimension) + ml2
The final MOEA/D configuration obtained by this experiment is described in the
table below. The best configuration is presented in the first two columns. The
third column, together with the figure following, provides the consensus value
of each component, measured as the rate of occurrence of each component in the
seven final configurations returned by the Iterated Racing procedure. These
results suggest that the automated assembling and tuning method reached a
reasonably solid consensus, in terms of the components used as well as the
values returned for the numeric parameters.
|Decomposition|SLD | 1.00 |
|Aggregation Function | AWT | 1.00 |
|Objective Scaling | simple | Fixed |
|Neighborhood | by $x$
$T = 11$
$\delta_p = 0.909$ | 1.00 |
|Variation Stack (1) | Differential Mutation
$basis = "rand"$
$\phi \sim U(0,1)$ | 1.00
Fixed |
|Variation Stack (2) | Binomial Recombination
$\rho_1 = 0.495$ |
1.00 |
|Variation Stack (3) | Binomial Recombination
$\rho_2 = 0.899$ |
1.00 |
|Variation Stack (4) | Truncate | Fixed |
|Update | Restricted
$nr=1$ | 1.00
1.00 |
```{r, ggplot2, echo = FALSE, fig.width = 7, fig.height = 7}
## Plot relevant parameter frequency:
### Select output "elite" variables
indx <- iraceResults$allElites[[length(iraceResults$allElites)]]
finalConfs <- iraceResults$allConfigurations[indx,]
### change internal structure of "parameters" to allow using function
### irace::parameterFrequency()
mypars <- iraceResults$parameters
mypars$names <- c("T", "delta.p", "binrec.rho2", "binrec.rho3")
mypars$nbVariable <- 4
### Plot (install from https://github.com/auto-optimization/iraceplot to generate plot)
# iraceplot::parameterFrequency(finalConfs, mypars, cols = 2)
A feature that may seem surprising at first glance is the two sequential
applications of Binomial Recombination in the Variation Stack. This means that
the results of a Differential Mutation operator are recombined with the
incumbent solutions at the (reasonably low) recombination rate $\rho_1 = 0.495$;
and then the resulting vectors are again recombined with the incumbent
solutions, at a (much higher) rate $\rho_2 = 0.899$. However, a quick review of
the definition of Binomial Recombination and some elementary probability shows that these two
sequential applications of binomial recombinations can be expressed as a single
application with $\rho = \rho_1\rho_2 = 0.445$. The fact that Iterated Racing
converged to two operators instead of a single one can be explained by the fact
that these situations are equivalent, coupled with the absence of any pressure
towards more parsimonious expressions of the Variation Stack in the setup.
Another seemingly counter intuitive aspect of the final configurations reached is
the absence of local search. A possible explanation lies in the interaction
between the variation operators chosen (differential mutation + binomial
recombination) with the type of neighborhood (by $x$, with a very strong bias
towards using points from the neighborhood for the variant operators - $\delta_p
= 0.909$). The use of points that are relatively similar in the space of
decision variables may result in local exploration in this case, since the
magnitude of the differential vectors tends to become relatively small. As the
iterations progress, this Variation Stack would tend to perform local search
movements, with larger pertubations potentially occurring whenever points are
sampled from outside the neighborhoods (i.e., about 10% of the cases). It is
therefore possible that this local exploration characteristic may have resulted
in a MOEA/D configuration that does not benefit from an explicit local search
Besides these considerations, the configurations returned by the Iterated Racing
procedure present a few other interesting points. First, the use of a smaller
neighborhood than is usually practiced in the literature (T = 11), with the
neighborhood relations being defined at each iteration by the similarities
between the incumbent solutions of each subproblem. Second, the use of a very
strict Restricted Neighborhood Update, with $n_r = 1$, which suggests an
advantage in trying to maintain diversity instead of accelerating convergence.
The use of the variation operators of the MOEAD/D-De *without* Polynomial
Mutation (as is usually practiced in the MOEA/D-DE) is also curious, as it may
indicate a more parsimonious variation stack than is usually practiced in the
## Recommendations
As can be seen, exploring the space of possible component configurations and
parameter values can render improved algorithmic configurations and new insights
into the roles of specific components and parameter values.
Thus, we highly recommend that a similar approach is used when developing new
components, in order to observe not only the individual performance of the novel
component, but also its interaction with components which already exist in the
MOEA/D environment.